Conlon’s Disklavier Residency – Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ

Five composers create new work for Yamaha Disklavier

For the first time, the Conlon Collective and Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ are organizing a composition residency together. Over the course of two weeks, five composers will create new works for the Yamaha Disklavier, a computer-controlled piano with unique possibilities of sound and texture. The residency runs from 21 February to 7 March 2025, culminating in a public presentation on Friday 7 March 2025, at 16:00 in Studio 1 of Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ. In this public presentation at the end of the residency, the newly developed pieces will be heard for the first time. There will also be space for reflection and discussion.

Composers Maud Peters, Christian Johannes, and Robert Nettleship have been invited to work with the instrument for two weeks. Boris Bezemer and Daniel Schorno will participate on behalf of the Conlon Collective. Five composers, five new works!

Christian Johannes
Daniel Schorno Tudor UnCaged
Maud Peters new work
Boris Bezemer Infinity
Robert Nettleship    new work

Posted on 2024-12-20

New Home

We are excited to announce that the Conlon Collective's Disklavier has found a new home at the Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ in Amsterdam. We look forward to continuing our activities in this wonderful venue.

Posted on 2024-07-15

Residency Concert – Saturday 11 February 2023

Posted on 2023-01-28

Press statement

Four composers have been selected for the Conlon Collective Residency 2023, the collective’s bi-annual two week artist’s residency with the Yamaha Disklavier Enspire in the MuziekHuis, Utrecht. From a total of 23 submissions from all around the world, the jury, consisting of composers from the collective, Boris Bezemer, Daniel Schorno, Christina V. Oorebeek, Roché van Tiddens and guest member Arnold Marinissen, chose the following composers:
Andres Quezada
Elisabeth Salverda
Erich Barganier

Diogo Carriço

The composers will spend two weeks creating an imaginative composition for the Disklavier and the results will be performed in concert on Saturday the 11th of February, in the MuziekHuis, Utrecht. 

Posted on 2022-12-01

Extention Deadline Conlon Collective Residency

Please note!


The deadline for applications for the 2023 Conlon Disklavier Residency in the Muziekhuis Utrecht has been extended to the 15th of November, 2022.

Posted on 2022-10-26

Conlon Collective Residency




From January 30 through February 11, 2023, the Conlon Collective is offering a residency program in collaboration with Gaudeamus and the MuziekHuis for composers who are interested in working with the foundation's Yamaha Disklavier Enspire to create an imaginative composition for Disklavier solo with electronics and/or combinations with other media. Using alternative controllers, video, live sampling and/or the 'preparation' of the Disklavier (in consultation with the organizers) are among the possible techniques to be utilized in the realization of the composer's artistic ideas.


We welcome applications from composers of any age, background and nationality to apply.  


Conlon will select four composers who will each have the opportunity to work with the Yamaha Disklavier Enspire during the residency in: Muziekhuis Utrecht, Loevenhoutsedijk 301, 3552 XE Utrecht, NL.  Aside from the Disklavier, the studio is equipped with a (possibly multichannel) sound system, various microphones and other equipment.


Meetings and interaction between the selected composers will be scheduled to encourage crossfertilization.  Conlon composers Boris Bezemer, Christina V. Oorebeek, Daniel Schorno and Roché van Tiddens will be available for feedback and assistance.  The residency should eventually result in a composition to be performed at a concert/presentation organized by Conlon, Gaudeamus and the Muziekhuis on February 11, 2023.


 __The residency entails the use of the studio with the Disklavier free of charge.

__The residencies do not include costs for travel, lodging or food, nor costs involved with an optional performer whom the composer would provide. Conlon and Gaudeamus can assist in looking for affordable lodging.

__To apply, please send an email to info-at-conlon-dot-nl, including a project description and a CV, as well as links to works, samples and other supporting materials that remain online at least until January 1, 2023. Do not send materials over 10 MB by email.

__The deadline for applications is November 1, 2022. The selection of the four composers will be announced by December 1, 2022. __Exact session times with the Disklavier within the period of the residency can be negotiated, depending on availability of the studios and the composers' schedules.


Registration fee: €20 euro

Account holders name: Stichting Muziekhuis Utrecht

Account number: NL09INGB0009155203


Bank address: ING BANK N.V., Foreign Operations, PO Box 1800, 1000BV Amsterdam

Posted on 2022-09-05

Name Change

The Conlon Foundation is continuing its work and activities as the Conlon Collective.  In collaboration with the Gaudeamus Foundation and the Muziekhuis Utrecht, a partially new group of composers/sound artists deeply interested in the goals of Conlon will be organizing our Residencies and Competitions, among other activities. We thank Henk Heuvelmans, one of the founders in 1999 and Ji Koun Yang, a member for many years, for their dedicated work and inspiration. We welcome Roché van Tiddens and Daniel Schorno as new members. Formally speaking, our first project as the Conlon Collective, will be the Winter Residency 2023 described in the open call.      

Posted on 2022-09-05